Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Supply
Advanced BioFuels
Turning Waste Streams to Renewable Fuels
The production and supply of Renewable Fuels is driven by the commitment in diversifying the energy landscape, contributing to a decarbonized energy future.
InoMob supports the circular economy, driving the transition towards sustainable, and cost-efficient transportation / industrial energy usage.
Certified under the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) scheme, InoMob produces and supplies Renewable Natural Gas with a methane purity of >98%, having a certified GreenHouse Gas (GHG) Emissions footprint 92% lower than fossil diesel.
Committed in scaling the biomethane market (bioCNG, bioLNG), including Hydrogen and its derived fuels, we exploit our own virtual grid as to distribute renewable gaseous fuels at cost-competitive prices directly to the end consumer.